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anthony confessore, bodybuilder, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, gym, health, lifestyle, long island, natural bodybuilder, natural bodybuilding, new york, personal trainer, shoulder workout, Shoulders, trainer, training, workout -

Happy Friday People!!! Even though I personally look forward to each and every single day, I know most people really look forward to their weekends. That's all fine and well, but I strongly urge you to make some sort of change in your life, that allows you to enjoy all of your days!!! Every day alive is amazing in my eyes. They all may not be great, but that's okay! If things are tough they wont last I promise you. On another note! What is tough is recovering from my back workout this week lol. If you happen to miss...

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anthony confessore, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, health, natural bodybuilding, personal trainer, shoulder workout, trainer, weight loss, workout -

Good morning guys! I hope everyone had a very safe and happy New Year yesterday. I had a little bit of a late start to the day from being up to watch the ball drop lol. I am happy with how last year went as I made leaps and bounds in just about every aspect of my life. However, I am ready to put 2019 to rest and get started working on my goals for 2020! #Progress. I started the year off on a positive note yesterday with a very productive shoulder workout. Got things started with some high volume...

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